28 Weeks Later follows on from the 2002 film 28 days later directed by Danny Boyle. This time the director is Juan Carlos Fresnadillo, but the action and story is no less intense.
The film rejoins the story 28 weeks after the original rage virus had tore through Britain devastating the population. At the end of that film we find out that Britain had been put under quarantine and that the rest of the world had been living on as normal.
The movie starts with Don, played by Robert Carlyle, in a safe house with a group of other people, including his wife. After hearing a young boy at the door, he foolishly lets him in and the infected tear through the house and quickly overwhelm those inside. Don sees his wife Alice get bitten by one of the infected and decides to leave her behind, knowing that the virus will soon overcome her and she will become infected. He is the only one to escape the house and gets away on a small boat.
We then find out that 7 months later, at the Isle of Dogs, in London, that American soldiers are planning on re-introducing people to Britain in order to re-populate the country as they believe that it is now safe and that the infected have died out. Don is re-united with his son and daughter and has to explain to them how he had to leave her behind when he escaped.
An American medical officer, Scarlett Ross, is angry to find out that the children have been let into the country, believing that it is still too soon for such young people to be around. The children quickly decide that they will escape the secure area and visit their old house. Once there, they discover their mother, still alive and apparently uninfected. Once back at the secure area, tests are done on the Alice and it is found out that she is actually carrying the virus, but her body is immune to it and it can have no effect. Scarlett believes that she and the children could be the key to figuring out the virus.
Once Don and his wife are re-united, they share a kiss and Don quickly becomes infected and proceeds to kill his wife and wreak havoc around the area.
Once the Americans find out that there is an infected person spreading the virus, they order that every person seen with the virus to be killed, but the virus spreads too quickly and they order an extermination of everyone in the area, infected or not, so no chances are taken.
Scarlett tries to escape, along with the children, believing them to be the only way to understand the virus, and one of the soldiers who disagrees with the way the outbreak has been handled. The soldiers are told to regroup at a nearby football stadium in order to evacuate the country. Scarlett and the children make it and manage to escape, but only after one of the children has been bitten. However he shows no signs of infection and seems to have inherited the immunity that his mother has to the virus.
The movie then cuts to 28 days later, and chaos in the streets of Paris, as groups of infected people run through the streets.
The film rejoins the story 28 weeks after the original rage virus had tore through Britain devastating the population. At the end of that film we find out that Britain had been put under quarantine and that the rest of the world had been living on as normal.
The movie starts with Don, played by Robert Carlyle, in a safe house with a group of other people, including his wife. After hearing a young boy at the door, he foolishly lets him in and the infected tear through the house and quickly overwhelm those inside. Don sees his wife Alice get bitten by one of the infected and decides to leave her behind, knowing that the virus will soon overcome her and she will become infected. He is the only one to escape the house and gets away on a small boat.
We then find out that 7 months later, at the Isle of Dogs, in London, that American soldiers are planning on re-introducing people to Britain in order to re-populate the country as they believe that it is now safe and that the infected have died out. Don is re-united with his son and daughter and has to explain to them how he had to leave her behind when he escaped.
An American medical officer, Scarlett Ross, is angry to find out that the children have been let into the country, believing that it is still too soon for such young people to be around. The children quickly decide that they will escape the secure area and visit their old house. Once there, they discover their mother, still alive and apparently uninfected. Once back at the secure area, tests are done on the Alice and it is found out that she is actually carrying the virus, but her body is immune to it and it can have no effect. Scarlett believes that she and the children could be the key to figuring out the virus.
Once Don and his wife are re-united, they share a kiss and Don quickly becomes infected and proceeds to kill his wife and wreak havoc around the area.
Once the Americans find out that there is an infected person spreading the virus, they order that every person seen with the virus to be killed, but the virus spreads too quickly and they order an extermination of everyone in the area, infected or not, so no chances are taken.
Scarlett tries to escape, along with the children, believing them to be the only way to understand the virus, and one of the soldiers who disagrees with the way the outbreak has been handled. The soldiers are told to regroup at a nearby football stadium in order to evacuate the country. Scarlett and the children make it and manage to escape, but only after one of the children has been bitten. However he shows no signs of infection and seems to have inherited the immunity that his mother has to the virus.
The movie then cuts to 28 days later, and chaos in the streets of Paris, as groups of infected people run through the streets.